. It is in many ways Eastwood's tightest movie for some time, and certainly his darkest since Unforgiven; indeed, the ending offers as corrosive an assessment of the limits of American justice as anything in his career.. It is an impressive movie masquerading as an important one.. Works as a straight-up detective story, and the acting is often breathtaking.. The Hughes Brothers may want us to think they're giving us a few deep, quasi-spiritual ideas, but what they're really serving up is earnest...
Taken (2008) Se Fuld Film
Flight (2012) Se Fuld Film
It's as though the filmmakers lacked the confidence to stick with the basic story, which served every element needed in a Sparks-infused guilty pleasure.. It's Bale, and his almost biblical quest for justice, who burns his way into your soul.. Washington sells the hollow confidence of a practiced dissembler, and he conjures enough vulnerability and pure charm to make us wince as he circles the drain.. Why make a movie when making a Hallmark-card-with-dialogue is so much less risky?. Keeping up w...
District 9 (2009) Se Streaming
The wonder is that despite its obvious roots, District 9 feels staggeringly original.. In this summer of gargantuan mediocrities, a modestly budgeted project with an actual idea in its head, and the wiles to manifest it onscreen, exploding heads and all -- that's something.. The fresh premise over, the stale action returns.. The film all but gets away from [the director] as battles take over and opportunities to explore the story as more than the sum of its weapons disappears.. The backstory bea...
Good Kill (2015) Fuld Streaming
We need to have a dialogue about the wages of war in the remote-control era. But it's hard to spark a good dialogue with movies whose dialogue is so bad.. It's time to send the Danny Ocean franchise out to sea, for good.. From such harrowing beginnings, it's rather awesome what an entertaining film Danny Boyle has made with "127 Hours.". "Good Kill" is darkly enlightening, but it's not really all that good.. Boyle has always been an exceptionally stylish director, and, despite its limited settin...
The Loft (2014) Fuld Streaming
The Loft is a film that can't decide what it wants. It's a male fantasy, and a cautionary tale. It's sleazy in concept, and timid in execution. It punishes its protagonists for their transgressions, then lets them off the hook.. Whodunit? Even the filmmakers don't seem quite sure. A waste of a perfectly good premise.. Erotic thrillers are a time-tested genre, but this effort, scripted by Wesley Strick, is neither erotic nor thrilling.. Predictably, some items planted early in the film ... pop up...
Lost River (2014) Download Film
It's an oneiric hymn to destruction, an Armageddon anthem - a movie to see, if at all, under the influence.. By the time the film is over you may feel as if the 12 year old inside of you has been utterly wowed and that the adult is still going, 'Hmmmm...'. At heart, "Lost River" is a midnight movie for those ready to find it and go with the flow.. Thrill-kill plots, cardboard characters and zap-pow editing are not for Shyamalan, who takes his good, thoughtful time to snare audiences in his dark ...
Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) Fuld Streaming
Like an established pizza chain, director Anderson is in thrall to a guarantee: all relationships, of any significance, will be established in three seconds or less.. The acting is sometimes shockingly bad, but generally the script doesn't ask much of the actors, and the combat is effectively staged and often thrilling.. Diagramming every revolution of Jovovich in wheeling and whirling action, however, Anderson is pitch-perfect when singing the body electric.. Some sequels suggest that no one in...